Sunday, June 21, 2015

Eagles and Fish

Valdez, Alaska

Valdez Small Boat Harbor
This has been a lot of fun, here.  It's a small town full of really nice people, surrounded by mountains with one road in or out.  There is also a ferry to the rest of the world.  We are staying in the Frontier RV park that is a stone's throw from the waterfront.  There is a port there that had a big cargo ship tied up there the other day.  They have two fish canneries there, also.  Fish is a big deal here.  The Copper river enters the sea here and there are three types of salmon, rockfish and halibut to be caught.  The mountains come right into town and right down to the water. 

Calling the eagles

It turns out that in the rv park across the street from us, they feed the bald eagles each day at 5pm.  So, we strolled over there dragging the camera along.  WOW!  A fellow brought a bucket of fish out to the parking lot and stood about 15 feet from the group of people wanting to watch.  He held fish up in the air until the eagles saw them and began to circle.  He threw the fish on the ground no more than 20 feet from us.  The eagles would circle, dive on the fish, grab it, and climb back into the sky.  What a photo op...I took about 100 pictures.  Now the rest of the blog is pictures of I won't  do that to you.  But here are some of the ones I liked.  Since there are so many pictures, the fish story will have to be another post.


The small bird on the ground is an immature eagle

Young eagle taking off

Approaching fish from a glide, some dove straight down


1 comment:

  1. Okay Bob, you'll have to share the rest of those eagle pictures with me when you get back. Mindy
