If you look at the map, you find out that there is over 400 miles between Whitehorse and the nearest town in Alaska, Tok. Being seasoned Alaska Highway travelers now, we ruled out the little black dots with very small writing for names. Those are usually two abandoned buildings, one gas pump, and someplace Pat won't enter, much less sleep in. Oh and they are still closed for the season.

Leaving Whitehorse, the next town is Haines Junction, where another road goes south to Haines, Alaska. Coming into town you are treated to a view of the Kulane mountains that includes the highest mountain in Canada.
Do you remember the fellow I told you about who maintained that anywhere south of the Yukon, you couldn't get good sourdough bread? Well, Haines Junction Bakery is where its at! And the sticky buns are that big!

So, Cottonwood RV Park just south of Destruction Bay, YT. Must be a thriving place, right? Actually turned out to be the nicest place we have stayed yet. You only get 15 amps because they generate their own electricity and you have to take all your trash with you because the grizzly bears frequently wander through the park. The folks who run the place really like the bears and know the cubs from year to year. Actually, if left alone, they seem to spend their time eating flowers and dandelions. (Hmmm, how come all those bells are in the scat???). The park is on the shore of Lulane Lake and across the highway are snow covered mountains, a continuation of the range you see in the picture above. A beautiful setting.

This picture was taken there, at 12:06 AM, surely the land of the midnight sun.
Oh, Destruction Bay was so named after a wind storm got done with the place, oh well so much for perfection.
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