Methinks not!
For at least 7 days I have been driving by signs with a silhouette of an animal called MOOSE and warning me not to hit it. Sometimes these are accompanied by speed limits of 25-30 mph along a deserted highway with nothing moving other than us, silly! Some of these signs have been as big as our RV, surrounded by reflective stripes and promising sudden death. So far, no animals.This is consistent with my experience in Maine. All signs, all promises, no moose. The only one I have seen in Maine is compliments of John Hinz who was kind enough to turn around in the middle of the road and take me back to where he saw one. I still owe him for that kindness. What was there was a silhouette cut from plywood and painted black.
Perhaps the moose is really a black shadow that exists on boards.
Yes bob ,,,,moose do exist and I know where there is a totally trashed international bumper to prove it,lol Maine has more then their share that delight in hiding behind bushes and jumping out in front of you sometimes,to the! great horror of the motorist ,before running of giggling into the swamp before the cops and insurance agents arrive,,,they don't be live in moose either,,,,