Thursday, June 11, 2015

But, the sun is still up!

As we go farther north, a strange thing has happened. The sunset has kept getting later and later. We are at the summer solstice, so the days are reaching their greatest length. Last night the sun was still shining in my face as I yawned and thought I was really getting sleepy. It was 10:30 in the evening. It feels like when I was a kid and had to go to sleep before sunset in the summer. I hated that.  I think this will continue as we get further north. 

We are thinking about driving to the artic circle to see what its like and just to say we did it. However, its a three day trip of 1000 miles on a gravel road. I dunno, that's a lot of driving.

Yep, it gets worst the further north you go.  Now its not dark in the middle of the night.

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