Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Back in the lower 48...but they took our GRAPES

We went through customs the day we left Lethridge.  This time we came through a busy customs portal on I 15.  We had to wait quite a while.  The customs agent was very polite and business-like and wanted to know what food we had in the refrigerator.  Who can remember that after 10 weeks of travel.  There are things in there that must be alive!  She was obviously used to this so she talked us through finding out.  Pat was looking in the fridge, shouting things to me, and I was talking out the driver's window.  So go figure, what we couldn't bring into the US was a small bunch of green grapes.  The grapes in our chicken salad were ok, though. ??????

We have continued through Montanna and into Wyoming and are sitting in Cheyenne.  Tomorrow its Denver.

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