Getting to stand by it and listen to how it works and why it is built the way it is can't be duplicated by a link. We were treated to a short lecture about the pipeline as part of our visit to the gold dredge. Wherever there is permafrost, the pipeline is above ground. Where there is no permafrost, it is buried. About half of the pipeline is buried. The above ground portions are supported by vertical supports.
Here the pipeline is buried and what you see is the service road going ovet the hill. |
We just had to have some "we were there" pictures, so we snuck up against some of the supports and went click. You can get some idea of how big this thing is. By the way, it turns out that one of the great environmental concerns was not an issue. Further north from where we are is the range of the largest Caribou herds in Alaska, over 500,000 animals. There was concern that the pipeline would disturb their migration patterns and put them in serious jeopardy. It turns out that the Caribou ignore the pipeline completely.
In the next picture, you can see the pipeline coming out of the hillside and passing by us. We were at the No 8 Dredge historic park and part of the tour was a description of the pipeline. The little house in the foreground provides what is called cathodic protection for the pipeline. It keeps the pipe from rusting. It turns out that it is also necessary to scrub the inside of the pipe to remove accumulated sludge. To do this, they shuttle what is called a pig into the pipe and use the oil to push it along. At various points in the pipeline are systems to introduce and remove these pigs. An example of this is in the picture of a cutaway part of a section of pipeline pipe.
This is a dumb pig, but now they use smart pigs that have instruments in them to inspect the pipe as the pig moves through it.
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