Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What's in Wyoming? Bugs and moutains connected with grass!

May 27th.   We packed up, checked over the RV. and left Sturgis this morning after saying goodbye.  First there was the family picture,

then the goodbye on the steps picture.

Westward Ho!  It's such easy driving when you can see only two or three other vehicles and the speed limit is 80.  Its been a sunny day after two days of rain.  But, in eastern Wyoming its bug season.  All those little black spots in the photos are bugs that suicided on the coach.  OOPS no bug pictures, perhaps that's just as well.  Found the buggy picture

We stopped in Buffalo, Wyoming (no buffalo) which is on the eastern side of the Bighorn Mountains.

 So, now there are only 2973 miles left to get to Anchorage.

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